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How to Find the Credits You Purchased

Your purchased credits are available to use immediately after your purchase is complete.  Go to the LexVid home page to see how many credits you still have available, the list of courses in your Playlist, and your completed courses and certificates.  If any of that information is different than you expect, it's likely that you have more than one LexVid account and purchased credits/watched courses while logged into a different email address.  

Duplicate accounts happen when attorneys change jobs over the years and create a new account with each new job, sign up with both personal and work email addresses, or have a typo in their original email address (e.g., gmail.ocm) and then created a new account with the correct email.   

If you suspect that you signed up with another email address, try signing into LexVid with that account and looking for your credits/courses there.  If you can't find the account you're looking for, contact our customer service team and we can quickly help you find your missing credits/courses.

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  1. Bryan M.

  2. Posted
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