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24 hours every 2 years, including three 3 hours of legal ethics or professional responsibility. 12 hours of “self-study”, including one 1 hour of ethics, may be earned using on-demand CLE programs....
12 hours every year, including 2 hours of ethics/professionalism and 4 hours from live programs. Earn 8 of your Virginia MCLE Credits with LexVid...
12 hours per year, including 2 hours of ethics or professionalism....
20 hours every 2 years, including 2 hours of legal ethics. 10 hours may be earned online (self-study programs)....
45 CLE credits every three years, including at least 15 hours of law and legal procedure and 6 hours of legal ethics....
30 hours every 2 years, including 3 hours of legal ethics and professional responsibility....
24 hours every two years, including 3 hours in legal ethics, professionalism, substance abuse, and/or law office management....
15 hours each year, including 1 hour of legal ethics. 5 “self-study” hours may be earned using on-demand CLE programs....