Rules for reporting CLE compliance vary by state. LexVid automatically reports attendance in TX, OH, PA, TN, and GA. Select your state below for detailed CLE reporting information.
Your CLE requirement must be completed by July 31 each year and reported to the Commission on the CLE Annual Report Statement by August 15. Be sure to include Mississippi's $1.50 fee per credit hour, ...
Attorneys must file the Annual Report of Compliance to the Missouri Bar by July 31st. On-demand courses are considered self-study and do not have course numbers. Live courses will...
Montana attorneys self-report credits by sending the Montana Commission of CLE Credit Reporting Form, along with a certificate of completion, to
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion....
LexVid will report your CLE hours for you. Your credits should appear on your NV transcript within 30 days of program completion....
New Hampshire attorneys must self-report their attendance by following this link
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion....
Report your compliance on your Annual Registration & Billing Statement by your deadline. Each certificate contains the number of CLE credits you have earned for that course....
You will receive your attorney registration form at the end of your CLE cycle. Use this form to report your CLE compliance. Each certificate contains the number of CLE credits you have earned for that...
LexVid will report your attendance information within 30 days of program completion....